Thursday 10 october

Linguistic and Cultural Festival - Parau Ti'ama

  • Cultural
  • Festival
Maison de la Culture 646 Boulevard Pomare IV 98714 Papeete
2nd edition of the PARAU TI'AMA linguistic and cultural festival and the 'ARERE' competition.
Parau Ti'amā is an event aimed at promoting and enhancing the indigenous languages still spoken in French Polynesia.
At Te Fare Tauhiti Nui, the festival has two main focuses:
- Promoting languages within the village
- Encouraging writing and reading through the 'Arere competition.
The 'Ārere competition will reward the best author and the best speaker, which can be the same person or two different people.

Opening times

On 10 October 2024


Linguistic and Cultural Festival - Parau Ti'ama
Maison de la Culture 646 Boulevard Pomare IV 98714 Papeete
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Spoken languages

  • French


  • A few steps from the To'ata square.
Updated on 18 January 2024 at 14:44
by Tahiti Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6782892)
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