
Manea Spa Moorea

  • Health and wellness equipment
Manava Beach Resort & Spa Moorea, Moorea, 98728 Paopao
Manea Spa, Polynesia's signature spa brand, was conceived and developed based on the ideology of this centuries-old tradition.
Manea Spa, the signature brand of spa in Polynesia, was designed and developed on the ideology of this tradition dating back hundreds of years. Also, the spa strives to provide you with a general well being and an optimal relaxation. The fact that it takes advantage of the island’s natural environment while embracing the sacred Tahitian healing philosophy makes it unique.
Located in the heart of the resort, Manea Spa invites you to discover the Taurumi experience at Manava Beach Resort &...


All year 2025 - Open everyday
Open on reservation only


Manea Spa Moorea
Manava Beach Resort & Spa Moorea, Moorea, 98728 Paopao
Contact Manea Spa Moorea
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Updated on 25 October 2023 at 14:51
by Tahiti Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6340503)
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