
AOA Polynesian Forests

  • Services
  • Various services
  • Environment
  • Membre de Tahiti Tourisme
Vallée de Mo'aroa - Pk 41, côté montagne, 98726 Mataiea
Join us in protecting biodiversity and ecosystems. Take action for the Polynesian forest by visiting our estate in the heart of the Mo'aroa valley, in the district of Mataiea.
AOA Polynesian Forests is the first long-term initiative in French Polynesia to restore and conserve the biodiversity of Polynesian forests. Among the project's many missions, a trip to the AOA Polynesian Forests estate is part of an awareness-raising initiative that offers new perspectives for sustainable tourism in French Polynesia.

AOA Polynesian Forests aims to make the Mo'aroa Valley a hub of sustainable ecotourism, as well as a model of development that respects the environment and...


Pedestrian sports
Fauna - flora


AOA Polynesian Forests
  • Membre de Tahiti Tourisme
Vallée de Mo'aroa - Pk 41, côté montagne, 98726 Mataiea
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Updated on 04 June 2024 at 08:36
by Tahiti Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6784196)
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