Exhibition Stand Pension Raivavae Tama - © Tahiti TourismeExhibition Stand Pension Raivavae Tama
©Exhibition Stand Pension Raivavae Tama |Tahiti Tourisme
Off the beaten track


An unspoiled island

The Island of Raivavae is an island that doesn’t seek publicity. Archeological remains, hiking in the mountains and excursions on the lagoon. Take your time to savor each instant and discover the everyday life of the islanders: agriculture, craftwork and religion.

View From Mount Hiro in Raivavae - Tahiti Tourisme © Frédéric CristolView From Mount Hiro in Raivavae - Tahiti Tourisme
©View From Mount Hiro in Raivavae - Tahiti Tourisme |Frédéric Cristol
What to see and do in Raivavae

Take things slowly

There are two rules in Raivavae: take things slowly and keep an eye on the weather. The rain is a regular visitor, but you’ll always have enough clear skies for a tour round the island by bike. Along the 22km road you’ll pass numerous vestiges of the past, including the marae Atoni. The more courageous will climb Mount Hiro which dominates the island and the lagoon. And don’t miss a day on the motu in the melodious company of the nesting seabirds.

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