
Camping Tekopa Village

  • Campsite
, 98763 Fakarava
At 6km from the village, Camping Tekopa is located on the edge of the lagoon. It offers a sandy beach worthy of the most beautiful postcards.
Four small bungalows with basic comfort have been built for "tentless campers".
The sanitary facilities are shared, as well as the kitchen, which is wide open on the beach, allowing you to prepare your meals while enjoying the sunset.
An economical address for this camping in Fakarava, which will seduce travelers looking for authenticity. They will particularly appreciate the warm welcome of the owners.


Camping Tekopa Village
, 98763 Fakarava
Contact Camping Tekopa Village
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Updated on 12 September 2023 at 16:26
by Tahiti Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6341175)
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