
Mana Tupuna Village

  • Bed & breakfast
MANA TUPUNA VILLAGE, Ua Huka, Polynésie française, 98744 Ua Huka
This guesthouse is a Taiaapu family story. In 1993, Toa decided to create the first guesthouse on Ua Huka, believing in the tourism potential of his island, and loving to share his story with all his guests.
This guesthouse is a family story, that of the Taiaapu. In 1993, Toa decided to create the first boarding house on Ua Huka. He believed in the tourism potential of his island and loved sharing his story with all his guests. "Mana Tupuna" means "the power of our ancestors" because Marquesans are very attached to their culture and often call upon their ancestors to lead them on the right path. Today it is Arii, the son who takes care of the family business.
The guesthouse is located 4...


12 Bedroom(s)
3 Person(s)
Quality standards
Locations CléVacancesLocations CléVacances


Mana Tupuna Village
MANA TUPUNA VILLAGE, Ua Huka, Polynésie française, 98744 Ua Huka
Contact Mana Tupuna Village
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Updated on 23 July 2024 at 10:51
by Tahiti Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6341207)
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