Didjelirium (Blackstone Productions)

  • Services
  • Communication
Didjelirium (Blackstone Productions) Tīpaeru'i, Papeete, Polynésie française 98714 Papeete
Didjelirium is in charge of the video department and art direction at Blackstone Productions.
Didjelirium is in charge of the video department of Blackstone Productions as well as Creative Director for various projects.
Blackstone Productions is a collective of over a dozen artists which allows us to take care of each and every step of a project, from the initial concept (creative idea, script, original concept) to the production (graphic design, motion design 2D & 3D, photography, video, sound studio) and all the way to setting up an online promotional campaign (digital marketing,...


Didjelirium (Blackstone Productions)
Didjelirium (Blackstone Productions) Tīpaeru'i, Papeete, Polynésie française 98714 Papeete
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Updated on 28 March 2023 at 10:47
by Tahiti Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6342467)
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