Great kitesurfing enthusiasts, Yannick and Vainoa opened a kitesurfing workshop in 2015.
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Great kitesurfing enthusiasts, Yannick and Vainoa opened a kitesurfing workshop in 2015. One thing leading to another, DASPOT Tahiti was born, a school in their image, where the welcome and sharing is put forward. Kitesurfing lessons with a Tahitian style that makes all the difference.
DASPOT Tahiti gave way to TAHITI KITESURF CENTER, a center where a school, a repair shop and many other nautical activities are gathered (TAHITI OCEAN DISCOVERY)
- Kitesurfing
- Wing surfing
- Foil...
DASPOT Tahiti gave way to TAHITI KITESURF CENTER, a center where a school, a repair shop and many other nautical activities are gathered (TAHITI OCEAN DISCOVERY)
- Kitesurfing
- Wing surfing
- Foil...
Aerial sports
Water sports
Kite surf
Foil board