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From marae to Bobby Holcomb

Cultural immersion in Huahine

A rich and varied heritage

Steeped in culture

If its magnificent lagoon is an invitation to relax and take things easy, a tour around the island of Huahine itself is an opportunity to appreciate its rich and thriving local culture.


The artist and singer, Bobby Holcomb, who died on his adopted island in 1991, has a special place in the hearts of all Polynesians, especially for the people of Huahine


of the past

A visit to Huahine is an immersion in the island’s culture that begins with its archeological heritage. The island boasts a large number of marae, of which certain are truly exceptional. Start your visit with a tour of the fare pote’e at Maeva, which has been converted into a museum and provides an ideal introduction to the local culture. The village of Maeva is rich in archeological remains because it was once home to eight different chiefdoms. A little further you can visit the impressive marae Manunu with its imposing ahu (platform). Then, at the southern tip of the island you will find the equally impressive marae Anini.

To continue your cultural immersion, visit the sacred eels of Faie with their startling blue eyes. The local children love to come to feed them in the small stream. In Maeva you will also be able to see the V-shaped fish traps of coral stone. They date from the bygone age of the marae and are still in use today. And to really steep yourself in the local culture, play some Bobby Holcomb music on the car stereo as you drive round the island. The singer lived in Maeva for 25 years and a statue has been erected there in his honor.

A souvenir of Huahine

Don’t forget to take a few photos of the petroglyphs, the marae of Anini and Manunu, the eels of Faie and the fish...
Visit Huahine

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